Thursday, March 18, 2010


For all of you parents out there. Kids are ruling todays world. I am telling you as a stay at home nothing to do but blog mother i have a lot of time to sit and watch parents and other children. I am telling you its not the parents in charge anymore. Its come to being afraid to keep your kids in line. So they give into there kids every demand.

My all time favorite are the kids who scream bloody murder throw themselves on the floor and the parents walk over pick them up and give them what they want.  I am have a more southern approach i just leave them there and walk away.  They eventually get up and thats the end of it.

Im not saying ABUSE im saying putting your foot down and letting your kids know to get repsect they need to give it. I am not saying my kids are perfect cause its an everyday battle, but i am not going to give in and kiss there ass everyday to make them happy.

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