I brought this up cause recently we went to the San Francisco Zoo. Once we arrived Gavin was begging and screaming to go to the bathroom. So I gave in and took him first thing. First of all we get there and i open a door to one bathroom and there is a man standing there pissing. Yes I saw ass and everything. The man wasn't even surprised he looked at me and smiled like ya whats up. I quickly shut the door and laughed. Finally we get into the bathroom and its disgusting. I told Gavin not to touch ANYTHING, i pull a paper towel out and helped him wash his hands as soon as we got out of there i poured a huge amount of hand sanitizer in our hands.
Here are a few tips!
Unfortunately for ladies we don't have the ability to stand while using a public restroom. When forced to use these bathrooms we are exposing ourselves to millions of dangerous bacteria
. A pocket size anti-bacterial gel is a must have when navigating the nastiness that is public restrooms. Purchase several and keep one on you at all times. Take a full size bottle for road trips and any other time when it is likely that a public restroom will be your only option.
Carry your own stack of paper towels because you can't always count on the restroom to be well stocked. Don't depend on automatic air dryers. In fact avoid them all together. Bacteria collects on the air dryer and is then deposited right onto your waiting hands.
Whenever possible choose to use the first stall as it is the least used and will contain less bacteria then the others.
Before sitting on a public toilette you have three options. The best would be to use a napkin and a dab of your own hand sanitizer
to wipe down the seat and handle before sitting down. The next best option would be to use a seat cover if one is provided. The worst but sometimes necessary is to cover the seat with toilette paper. If you have to use this option be careful that no toilette paper is stuck to you when you stand up. When your all finished up use your elbow or a bit of toilette paper bunched up to flush the toilette.
Do not touch the sanitary napkin disposal unit with your bare hands. Always bunch up toilette paper and use it to lift the lid. The disposal unit is one of the filthiest and least often cleaned objects in a public restroom.
After washing your hands use a paper towel or toilette paper to turn off the faucet.
Always use paper towels to dry your hands instead of air dryers as explained in step 2. Avoid setting your purse on the floor and if you drop something wash and sanitize the item as well as your hands after picking it up. (brought to you by an ehow member)
Happy Pissing Everyone!
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